




3rd Place in the Digital Creative Ranking

3rd Place in the Digital Creative Ranking

Holger Beßlich, Senior Editor, denkwerk
Holger Beßlich, Senior Editor, denkwerk

Holger Beßlich

Holger Beßlich

Senior Editor

Senior Editor



The underdog is back! denkwerk is ranked No.3 in the latest BVDW annual creative ranking. Being among the best 5 almost every year, we are proud to claim a top spot again, right behind the big players Jung von Matt and Serviceplan.

It is the hard work that merits the recognition: We definitely attracted attention with projects like Synesthesia, in which we made a fascinating neurological phenomenon come alive virtually for everyone and even won a Webby. Or the Motel One website relaunch, that brings the elegant look and feel of the Motel One experience to the web, including an entirely new and intuitive booking process.

Those weren’t the only great cases we had going on. Several others made an impact and were awarded as well.

However, if you think that’s it, think again.
We’re already working on new exciting projects, which everybody can look forward to.

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