denkwerk Talk

Tradition Meets Digital Innovation: Banks in Transition

"The banks' private customer business is interchangeable. Tradition offers a leap of faith, but hinders innovation. Banks must act to remain relevant."

Jes Hennig Founder of Participayed

Traditional banks must learn to combine their decades of experience and customer loyalty with the new agile and technologically advanced approaches of FinTechs. This is not just about introducing new technologies, but also about a cultural change that enables them to react flexibly to the constantly changing needs of customers.

How can the symbiosis of tradition and disruption succeed?

We want to discuss this in our dialogue with moderator Chérine de Bruijn. Our panellists will provide exciting perspectives.

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"Traditional banks remain relevant through targeted digital strategies. The future belongs to those that combine innovation with tradition."

Isabelle Born Client Service Director at denkwerk

And how can agencies support you on this journey?

During the 45-minute discussion, we will address the following questions, among others:

  • How can traditional banks position themselves in the future?

  • How can all target groups be taken into account?

  • Which technical innovations need to be taken into account? What role does AI play in particular?

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"We are bringing a breath of fresh air to the banking sector by combining customer wishes, regulatory requirements and digital innovations to create a modern and relevant bank for all generations."

Cornelius Wien Head of E-Commerce, Digital Banking and Digital Financial Services Sparkasse KölnBonn

You want the answers? Join our denkwerk Talk (stream via Zoom in German) on 29 August 2024 at 12:30 pm for 45 minutes of concentrated knowledge. The denkwerk Talk will be held in German.

Register now for free

Cornelius Wien (Head of E-Commerce, Digital Banking and Digital Financial Services Sparkasse KölnBonn) at denwekr Talk on the topic of "Tradition meets digital innovation: banks in transition"

About Cornelius Wien

After a successful career in various industries (sports, entertainment, tech and tourism) and corporate structures (management consultancy, group and start-up), Cornelius is now devoting all his energy to the transformation of the banking industry. He is currently responsible for the online business of the third-largest savings bank in Germany: Sparkasse KölnBonn. Despite all the changes, his professional mantra in the area of marketing and sales has remained the same: He breathes customers!

Jes Hennig (Founder of the innovative FinTech start-up Participayed) at denkwerk Talk on the Topic of "Tradition meets digital innovation: banks in transition".

About Jes Hennig

Jes Hennig built the first neobank for Generation Z called Ruuky after working at Commerzbank and JPMorgan. Ruuky was funded by well-known business angels and VCs and quickly grew to become the fastest growing neobank in Europe. In 2023, Ruuky was sold directly to blue. Jes is now founding Participayed, the first payment infrastructure for the social economy.

Isabelle Born (Client Service Director denkwerk) at denkwerk Talk on the topic of "Tradition meets digital innovation: banks in transition".

About Isabelle Born

Isabelle Born is Client Service Director at denkwerk and combines the dynamics of a leading digital agency with the structural experience of a large corporation in her career. Her professional career began at a FinTech company. With many years of agency experience, she successfully manages complex software and digital projects. In her current position, Isabelle supports companies in their digital transformation in the rapidly evolving digital media landscape.