The goal: to share existing knowledge, to arouse interest and, last but not least, to be able to offer our customers customised solutions even more efficiently.
Dialogue element in focus
Our last TechTalk was dedicated, for example, to the dialogue element <dialog> in HTML 5: this is a possibility to create independent dialogue windows within the website. It is thus an alternative to the well-known modal boxes and pop-up and pop-over elements that have been used on websites for many years. The dialogue element is relatively new and has only been supported by all common browsers since 2022.
The dialogue element is used to query user decisions, for example in a cookie banner, but can also contain sub-elements such as forms or newsletter dialogues. Its styling (yes, we mean the styling and functionality of the entire dialogue box) is done quite simply via HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
Dialogue boxes for web projects
As a great advantage over older technologies such as a lightbox, which creates a similar visual impression, the dialogue element is HTML-native. This means that no further libraries are needed. In addition, the operation is consistent, for example by closing with the escape key. Furthermore, the dialogue element is barrier-free within the framework of the HTML standard. This keeps the code of websites lean, the page fast and user-friendly, and is ultimately one of many important factors for search engine optimisation.
Knowledge exchange at a high level
The goal of every TechTalk is to communicate and share knowledge to expand the knowledge of our team members. In the case of the <dialog> tag, our frontend developer Leon Rösler gave a presentation to the team on the styling, application possibilities and general advantages of the tag for user interaction.
“Our talks are meant to spark interest, create inspiration and give us mutual insights into what the other tech teams at denkwerk are doing."
Alexander Tilp, Technical Director at denkwerk
Diversity through free choice of topics
Within the TechTalk format, the choice of topics is free for our employees. In addition to web design topics such as accessible forms, our experts regularly present interesting knowledge areas. From app building with Flutter, website creation using Tailwind, the use of the frontend workshop Storybook, to a deeper understanding of neural networks and AI, to topics such as spam protection or the efficient use of the command line. The denkwerk TechTalk offers theoretical and practical knowledge, imparted in-house in a relaxed setting.
The targeted exchange of expertise within the framework of the TechTalk enables the professionals at denkwerk to reflect on existing knowledge and deepen it by passing it on. At the same time, the participants of the TechTalk benefit from a broadening of their technical horizons, which strengthens the competence and collaboration of in-house technology.
TechTalk and Customer Value
Of course, our clients also benefit from our TechTalk and its opportunities for technical exchange: the strengthened technical competence helps to plan and implement elegant and cost-effective solutions for our clients at any time. In this way, our TechTalk not only benefits the further development of our technical department – but ultimately also you.
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