We are very proud of it: "Tenkigo". Find out what Tenkigo is all about and why we are particularly proud of the inhouse work of our developers!
Creativity and technology combined in Tenkigo
The days of scrolling through boring weather apps or being overtaken by overwhelming graphs and details are over!
With our AR app, we bring real life into a simple weather forecast. Even with live weather via Open Weather Map. So, we vividly combine reality and creativity.
How does that work, you ask? To display weather forecasts, Tenkigo uses a kind of particle animation created on a smartphone camera. We developed this with ARDK frameworks and Unity. It may not be a big surprise that when we asked for the right environment, in this case the choice fell on Unity. This builds the bridge to interactive content, such as for mobile games. Due to its flexibility, this platform is also used in research in the field of VR/AR. And what about the ARDK platform? This environment is not completely new either: because many know it from the active use of the popular mobile game "Pokémon Go" by Niantic. ARDK offers further assistance and new functions in development. The result of the two frameworks in combination? A unique and immersive experience that offers both beauty and functionality. The plus: ARDK also pushes new features out to old devices - for example, clean 3D tracking. This extends the reach at the same time.
How our prototype Tenkigo works
The interaction with our developed system is simple and intuitive. Simply point your mobile phone at the sky, watch and be amazed: spherical particles come together to form a weather display. Blue spheres? It's going to rain. White spheres that form a snowflake? Then there will be snow. And last but not least, the beloved yellow spheres: Hello Sunshine!
During development, we soon realised: Tenkigo is much more than a technical gimmick. Appealing video clips for sending on different platforms and additional weather information round off the experience. In the animations themselves, information about temperature, wind speed and humidity, among other things, can be viewed.
"Connecting the different frameworks and developing new functions and views is a lot of fun. A lot of insights come out of this, which we can also use specifically for the needs of our customers in daily business."
Alexander Mitzkus, Lead 3D Artist at denkwerk
Looking into the future with denkwerk
We are passionate about researching new technologies. And: we find creative solutions for the challenges of everyday life. With Tenkigo's AR technology, for example, we are revolutionising the way data is presented. That's why we also believe that our AR weather prototype is just the beginning of something big. Because: there are endless, cross industry application areas for our developed technology. Whether in education, entertainment or B2B – we are excited to see where our "very own" augmented reality will take us in the future.
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