Modern functions and advantages in B2B with DXP
Use the modern functions of a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) in this way! This not only brings you economic advantages, but also simplifies the construction and administration of websites and store environments, shortens release times and the creation of web applications. When it comes to content management systems (CMS) in the B2B sector, decision-makers have long kept a low profile. That's over now - take advantage of the DXP!
In our whitepaper "Digital Experience Platform. The next level for B2B" (German only), we explain together with Ibexa why choosing the right CMS is important: The Digital Experience Platform (DXP) addresses the diverse needs of customers. From a user perspective and holistically as well as meaningfully and effectively.
For user-centric solutions: Take customer needs into account
Learn in our whitepaper how DXP serves all touch points of your customers and how you can easily create an optimized customer journey.
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