




denkwerk defends 3rd place in the creative ranking

denkwerk defends 3rd place in the creative ranking

Holger Beßlich, Senior Editor, denkwerk
Holger Beßlich, Senior Editor, denkwerk

Holger Beßlich

Holger Beßlich

Senior Editor

Senior Editor



Wow – the hard work in the award year has paid off. Just as in the previous year, we have one again placed third in the digital creative ranking of the BVDW (Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft e.V.).

With this year’s win, we have been in the top 10 in the digital creative ranking for over five years running. That makes us very proud! We are especially happy about the great press coverage from W&V, Horizont, Meedia, and One to One.

With just 220 employees, we have confirmed this excellent ranking. We only managed this because each individual in every team took responsibility and gave his or her best. And they continued to do so, day after day.

A large number of projects secured our place on the podium: Among them is the project #Art4GlobalGoals – the interactive online petition for the UN Global Goals. The work for the YOU Foundation was created in cooperation with the Düsseldorf artist Leon Löwentraut and successful in many competitions. The intensive work with our long-standing client Motel One also contributed to the repeated earning of success points, just like the work on the redesign of the Cologne start-up DeepL, the AI-controlled translation tool.

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