Slack’s first mindfulness buddy. Get notifications that reduce stress, instead of causing it. Every once in a while, he reminds you to pause and breathe. That's all. And as simple as it may sound, it's transformative in practice.
Feels familiar? Some things are faster felt than described. Like the feeling of overwhelm, constant change, stress and pressure that we are experiencing as flip side of our connected lifestyles. But while it seems inevitable that the world around us goes totally crazy, going crazy yourself is optional.
Breathing by design. Empirically proven over thousands of years and backed by science over the last decades, mindfulness meditation is entering the corporate world … now exactely where it happens – in your Slack channels. enso will help you to master the only hard thing about the simple practice: to not forget about it when a few deep breaths would work its magic best.
Since we're doing it anyway – why not give enso a try? enso is a side project from an interdisciplinary team at denkwerk. Some of us are really into the practice of mindfulness meditation, some of us are just curious about it. But we all love to experiment, create and change things to the better. Do you have questions or feedback for us? Say hi!